%global forgeurl https://github.com/mascarenhas/cosmo %global tag v%{version} Name: lua-cosmo Version: 16.06.04 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Safe templates for Lua License: MIT URL: %{forgeurl} %forgemeta Source: %{forgesource} BuildArch: noarch Requires: lua-lpeg BuildRequires: lua-devel BuildRequires: make #Tests BuildRequires: lua-lpeg %description Cosmo is a "safe templates" engine. It allows you to fill nested templates, providing many of the advantages of Turing-complete template engines, without without the downside of allowing arbitrary code in the templates. %prep %forgesetup %build # Nothing to do here %install %make_install LUA_DIR=%{lua_pkgdir} %check LUA_PATH="%{buildroot}%{lua_pkgdir}/?.lua;%{buildroot}%{lua_pkgdir}/?/init.lua;;" \ lua tests/test_cosmo.lua %files %license doc/cosmo.md %doc README %doc samples %doc doc/* %{lua_pkgdir}/cosmo.lua %{lua_pkgdir}/cosmo/ %changelog * Sun Nov 13 2022 Jonny Heggheim - 16.06.04-1 - Initial package